Monday, March 7, 2011

Completed 20% of my Mission

Hey family,

Wow, seems so crazy that you are doing crazy normal stuff over there in the United States.  Sometimes I forget that there is another world out there still running, still moving.
Well I have been a little sick, but it is nothing to worry about. Well, to be honest, I got a small stomach infection. I had to take some pills for four days this week.  Needless to say lots of interesting poo.
A cool thing that happened this week, Saturday and Sunday was Carnival here in Peru. Carnival is a lot different than in other places in the world.  In Peru all of the people throw water balloons all day long at whoever you see. Saturday is the day of water, where all of the water balloons have water in them. Sunday is the true day of Carnival and they fill the water balloons with anything that is liquid. For Example… paint, dye, vegetable oil, this nasty paste that smells really bad, motor oil, pig’s blood, and the worst urine. Yes, it was pretty fun, we didn’t get hit by anything because my companion and I are two big men in white shirts and everyone knows that we’re religiously affiliated.  I did however see some pretty interesting stuff, like people completely covered in paint, and dye and one guy I was pretty sure was cover in blood, gross. It was also really hard to teach the gospel these last two days because everyone and their mother were drinking. Which is sad, because let me tell you the gospel is about four hundred times harder to teach to a man completely intoxicated.
On a higher note, this week was the week of transfers. The Lord would like me to stay here in Iquitos for more time! I will be here till another change. More exciting still is that I will be with the same companion… Elder Paiz. We are both really excited to work another change together (about a month n’ half). We have been thinking of new ways that we can work in this area. We’re hoping to bring more people to the water.
I was studying this morning and came across an interesting scripture. I have always had the question in my mind, are there more Gods out there then just our God.  Well I was reading in 1 Corinthians 8:5 and found my answers…tell me what you think.
Thoughts about the past month n’half.
I calculated today and realized that with today I have completed 20 percent of my mission... today being the 146th day. I have had the privilege to have 3 Latino companions, serve in the city and in the jungle, give 28 blessings to the sick, and baptize 4 people. I just want to say thank you Mom and Dad.  Thank you for the opportunity to serve a mission.  Thank you for raising me right and thank you for being active members of the church. You are the reason I am here and through the transitive property of geometry, you both and the Lord, share in this success. I Love you and miss you and I pray for THE FAMILY every single day.
Elder Harris

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