Monday, September 5, 2011

APOSTLES USE I-PADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hola Familia
How is everyone… it looks as though all is great and everyone had a ton of fun. I am super happy that all went really well and that there wasn’t any last minute stuff that stopped it. I am a little bit sad that there was only one picture. I was hoping to see a picture of my sister in her dress and now husband, or a picture of all the family that showed up. Well from the brother side of things I will be really honest. I was really down in the dumps this past Thursday because I really wanted to be there. I didn’t want Aubrei to feel bad to know that her brother really does miss her… but now that it is over… I really am sort of sad about the whole thing. I know that this is my calling right now and that I should be doing this because I am on the Lord´s errand but really I think that missing the wedding of oldest sister is and was the hardest sacrifice.
I am just going to tell you because I love you… WAIT before you make me an uncle. I want to be there for that.
Apart from my depression spell, I had a really good week. This week we baptized Isaac. He is really awesome. I was thinking that it would be really cool for you guys at home to know a little bit about him. Isaac like I explained in the past just showed up at the church one day… and really liked everything that we were doing there. As we began to teach him we ended up finding out more and more about him. A few times in the beginning when we talked about the Restoration of the gospel we would get really excited, and he kept on telling us that he had something that was the from the Mormons. One day he showed up very excited because he had found what he had been looking for in his house, and what was it……….. was a super old version of the book of Mormon in Spanish. It was super cool to see it because the book itself is huge; it is super thick, because it is made out of a different kind of paper.  There in the book he had some really old pamphlets, and we all had a great big laugh about how old he was because the pamphlets were in black and white.  He is not that old, he is 31 years old. He then explained to us that when he was 11 the missionaries came to his house and were teaching him the gospel. They came for three weeks straight and then never came back. He had always wondered why they never came back, we explained to him a little bit about how the mission works, and that sometimes the people change areas, and how in the past there weren’t very many missionaries in Perú. So now that I am thinking about it clearly, it is really fun to think that I picked up the work that someone else began 20 years ago. Some missionary prepared Isaac 20 years ago to accept the gospel so quickly and get baptized. I wasn’t even a player in the game, I was just sitting bench, and then played for two minutes that’s it.  What I am trying to say was that the game was already played, I just need to sit back and watch. I feel so blessed to have opportunities like this one my mission. I feel like the Lord really does prepare his children and even if it takes years for them to come back, he will send spiritual experiences that allow them to find the truth again. I am been thinking a lot about what are some of the blessings that I have had the opportunity to have just here on my mission. Well I have had some great companions. I have liked all of them… they have sometimes been hard to live with but at some point in our time together we have been friends. I also I have served in the super beautiful and hot jungle of the Amazon… I didn’t ever think that it was possible. I have had at lot success in my mission as far as the gospel goes too. I am super excited to say that in two weeks I think we are going to have another baptism. As far as life goes… it’s hard but the blessings outweigh the problems.
With lots of Love
Elder Harris

Just like every P-day we are going to play soccer. Let me just say that I am getting really good at playing soccer.
Hey something that was really cool that I forgot to tell you last week. In that talk that I got to hear from ELDER DALLIN H. OAKS (the apostle),while he was talking he raised his scriptures up to make a point, saying ¨when we read the scriptures we can receive more revelation from God¨.
ARE YOU READY?!!?!!!?!!!!?!!  Elder Oaks lifted up HIS SCRIPTURES AND IT WAS AN  I-PAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, just kidding but how cool is that? 

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